Financial emergencies have become part and parcel of modern lives. Expenses like higher education, marriage, starting a new business, medical treatment, etc. require you to spend a lot of money upfront. If you do not have such an amount of money in your account, there is a possibility that you might panic. In such a situation property, a piece of land, or a completely built home can be a great asset for you.
Most banks and financial companies provide loans Against Property that can help you meet your upcoming expenses. The best thing about this loan is that the financial institution doesn't have to know what the end purpose is, and you can continue using the property against which you have availed the loan. Whatever your end requirement is, when you need urgent cash and own a property, financial institutions like Finway Housing Finance Limited, provide loans against property for your financial requirements.
One of the main players in the finance industry in India, Finway Housing Finance works to the best of its abilities. As is obvious from its name, this bank specializes in Home Loans and Loans Against Property. Obtaining a Finway Housing Finance Loan Against Property is a simple and convenient process and is advantageous in many ways. Additionally, the interest rates are much lower as compared to any other options that you can access in situations of financial crunches, such as a personal loan or credit card.
Financial problems can knock on your door when you least expect them to. However, Finway Housing Finance Limited, a leading financial institution, has got you covered. You can apply for a loan against property or a property mortgage loan to fund any of your financial needs. The residence you keep with us as security will be given back once you finish paying your EMIs. With LAP, you can prepare yourself to dust out the problems from your home. It allows you to be your boss and lead a comfortable life.
You get many benefits once you apply for a loan against the land mortgage. The interesting thing to note here is that the interest rates charged on such a loan are way lower than those you have to pay on personal loans. The main reason behind this is that it is a secured loan, which requires you to provide collateral for availing it. This reduces the risk and makes it easy for us to approve your loan. Moreover, with a good credit score, the loan amount can go up to 60% of your property's value.
This means that you can easily pay it off with lower monthly EMIs. On-time repayment of the loan increases your chances of getting an improved credit score.